'One of the most moving school novels in Dutch literature.' Vrij Nederland

Save Us, Maria Montanelli

Book Odessa Star
‘Koch proved himself a master at recording absurd trains of thoughts and slapstick situations. Both painful and hilarious at the same time.’ NRC HANDELSBLAD

Odessa Star

Een spannende roman over de liefde voor een jonge actrice, de verdorven filmwereld en de kunst van het thuisblijven. VPRO

Een film met Sophia

Koch commands his metier with an effortless superiority. De Volkskrant

Finse dagen

Book The Ditch
‘Herman Koch shows brilliantly how you can see things that might not be there at all, how your imagination can run away with you. The Ditch is an ode to the imagination.’ **** Het Parool

The Ditch

‘A brilliant tragicomedy about the elasticity of morality. The reader has to constantly readjust his radar.’ Frankfurter Algemeine Zeitung (Germany)

The Dinner

‘Dear Mr M. comes very close to perfection.’ ***** DE STANDAARD

Dear Mr M.

‘The witty new novel by Herman Koch' MAMA

Summer House with Swimming pool

‘From the second line, “You must have heard of me”, you wish him the worst.’ de Volkskrant

Easy Living

‘Enjoyably true to life with Koch's flowing, ironic style as the familiar background music.’ BOEK

A Brief History of Deceit

Thinking of Bruce Kennedy
‘Koch has outdone himself. His heroine is beautiful, tragic and believable.’ De Groene Amsterdammer

Thinking of Bruce Kennedy

Koch’s writing style is a rare combination of exuberance and understatement. What he describes is so understated and low-key it never becomes superficial.’ NRC Handelsblad

War at Last

‘A humorous book about the desire for literary fame.’ Dagblad van het Noorden

Eating with Emma