'One of the most moving school novels in Dutch literature.' Vrij Nederland

Save Us, Maria Montanelli

Book Odessa Star
‘An intelligent, psychologically complex novel, exploring the boundaries of morality.’ STERN

Odessa Star

Een spannende roman over de liefde voor een jonge actrice, de verdorven filmwereld en de kunst van het thuisblijven. VPRO

Een film met Sophia

Even more than a book about memories, this is a book about lost memories and that is the thing that makes this one so special. Trouw

Finse dagen

Book The Ditch
‘Koch has mastered his métier with effortless superiority. Inventive, deceptively clear and full of friction. A publisher’s promise has rarely been so fully delivered.’ **** de Volkskrant

The Ditch

‘A feast of clarity. Herman Koch responds with stunning irony, scope and narrative efficiency.’ El Periódico (Spain)

The Dinner

‘It is not just a page-turner, there are also plenty of belly laughs to be had.’ – **** HET PAROOL

Dear Mr M.

‘One reason to read a book (when well-executed) that may challe nge, horrify and even offend is because of the way it can help us di ssect our own fl aws and prejudices, our moral compass, and our actions. Summer House can certainly be engaged with on this level, leaving us alert a nd unsettled.’ WEEKEND AUSTRALIAN

Summer House with Swimming pool

‘Should Tom Sanders disregard that advice? Or should he tackle his son about his behaviour? That is the central dilemma in Easy Living, and Koch gets a devilish kick out of making Tom Sanders vacillate between these two options, and gets an even greater kick out of pushing him into a corner.’ Parool

Easy Living

‘This book delivers a wonderful mix of emotion and humour. From merciless to merciful and back again.’ De Morgen

A Brief History of Deceit

Thinking of Bruce Kennedy
‘Thinking of Bruce Kennedy shows us Koch at his best.’ Vrij Nederland

Thinking of Bruce Kennedy

‘While reading, you get caught up in the double-mesh nets of Herman’s actions and illusions.’ Trouw

War at Last

‘A novel both hilarious and poignant that turns everything on its head so often that you end up not knowing which is which: fiction or reality.’ GPD

Eating with Emma